In collaboration with @GS1Slovenija , @TraceLabsHQ has developed an #AI-powered solution that leverages @origin_trail trusted kn

10 Nov 2023, 13:32
In collaboration with @GS1Slovenija , @TraceLabsHQ has developed an #AI-powered solution that leverages @origin_trail trusted knowledge foundation & @gs1 Digital Link🔗standard to transform the way consumers & businesses engage with products. This innovation has earned…

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OriginTrailTRAC #193
10 Nov 2023, 13:35
This is a great recognition of our work! I'm really proud to be part of the @origin_trail / @TraceLabsHQ team. This #AI-powered solution based on @origin_trail & @gs1 Digital Link is disrupting the way consumers interact with products dramatically!
This is a great recognition of our work. I'm really proud to be part of the @origin_trail / @TraceLabsHQ team.
This is a great recognition of our work! I'm really proud to be part of the @origin_trail / @TraceLabsHQ team. This #AI-powered solution based on @origin_trail & @gs1 Digital Link is disrupting the way consumers interact with products dramatically!